The Art of Intuitive Eating
Synthesis: Spinach, Avocado, Basil Soup
Spinach, Avocado, Basil Soup This beautiful green soup is quite different with a delightful, unique taste. If we'd had it in a restaurant we'd have been amazed. It's very satisfying, with delicate flavors and a smooth and creamy texture. Spinach Soup blends up in a snap, and is a great way to get a lot of greens into the body. Served chilled, or at room temperature.

For the best soup, make sure the spinach is the freshest available.

Ingredients: Serves 2
4 cups spinach, chopped
2 cups pure water
4 tablespoons lemon juice
1 Hass avocado, peeled and chopped
1 and 1/2 teaspoon dill herb
1 clove garlic, optional
1/4-1/2 teaspoon Himalayan salt
1/8 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper

Green onions, minced; sunflower greens; celery, diced; pine nuts or cashews; additional avocado, cut into bite sized pieces.

Put all ingredients except garnishes into Vitamix or blender and blend until smooth and creamy, about 30 seconds. Pour into bowls. Add garnishes and serve.

The Little Story: Synthesis
Roslyn and Dara Our recipe this week sprang from a synthesis of ideas that came from two different sources for green soup. I was watching a Youtube of raw foodist chef and artist, Dara Dubinet, making what she calls her "one true thing", a savory, raw soup just packed with ingredients. Be sure to watch the video because Dara is so lovely, and such a love-spirit. She has her own Youtube channel and shares recipes, wisdom, and a wealth of information.

A couple of weeks later Rex and I were chatting with Roslyn McNicholl of Rabbit Fields Farm, whose stand we visit at the farmers market because her veggies are so fresh and vibrant. She's a real inspiration to us, filled with vitality, beauty, and dedication, and she carries a true vision on how to make a real difference in our world. We'd been buying lots of spinach, and Roslyn shared with us a cooked recipe she makes with sauteed/steamed blended spinach, soup stock, lemon juice, sauteed garlic and onions, and raw chopped spinach and cream added at the end.

Both recipes were intriguing, and sounded really good. Since we wanted our soup to be uncooked, this would entail tweaking Roslyn's recipe. And Dara's recipe had some stronger greens like kale and cilantro that we didn't want in the soup. So we combined the two recipes in a synthesis and formed something new. The result is this Spinach, Avocado, Dill soup which is just what I had been dreaming about. The sunflower sprout greens are also from Roslyn's farm and they add the most wonderful flavor and crunch to the creamy smooth soup.

This is how intuition works for Rex and me: receiving ideas and tailoring them to our particular needs and desires. In doing so, we enter into the creative flow of the universe, and manifest acts of loving intention. Then before we know it, there's a new soup recipe sitting on the table to be savored and shared with the world.

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Our lives,
so seemingly small,
ripple out
to the whole universe
as tiny whispers
like the sounds
of butterfly wings,
and the clear voice
of the living truth.
The Healing Feast is about:
healthful practices,
following our intuition,
& eating life-giving foods.

It's about:
transformation, joy,
inspiration, peace, gratitude,
and soulful beauty.

It's about:
living a life filled
with abundance and love,
& giving what is the best
within ourselves to the world.
"A smile from the heart is a gift to receive."